Implementing Cloud-Centric IoT Transformations: Merits and Demerits




Cloud-centric, IOT, Transformation, Manufacturing enterprise, JEL classification codes: O14‎


This study critically analyzed the merits and demerits of implementing cloud-centric cloud Internet of Things (IoT) transformation in ac manufacturing enterprise that specializes in automobile parts. The objective of cloud computing at AC Manufacturing Inc., a mid-sized business that specialises in car parts, should be accomplished with the intention of either increasing revenue or decreasing the time spent on various tasks. The departments of the entire organisation may operate more simply thanks to cloud computing. On the other side, cloud computing brings up certain issues that might become troublesome regarding reliability, safety, legal responsibility, and credibility. It is thus suggested that the management of AC Manufacturing Inc. embrace cloud computing, but with periodic staff training and retraining, in light of the comprehensive analysis of the merits and demerits of cloud computing.


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How to Cite

Adeniran, A. O. ., Onuajah, S. I. ., Adeniran, A. A. ., & Ogunmola, M. A. . (2024). Implementing Cloud-Centric IoT Transformations: Merits and Demerits. Systemic Analytics, 2(2), 174-187.